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Covid 19 Test Request
Please answer all questions
Then click on the "submit" button below
This service is ONLY available for patients of Millmount Medical Centre. Please contact your own GP if you are not registered as a patient. Are you a patient of this practice?
Have you travelled to an area affected by the Coronavirus or been in close contact with a confirmed case of Coronavirus?
Are you currently self isolating? * Anybody with respiratory symptoms of any kind is now advised to self-isolate.
How severe are your symptoms?
What are your symptoms? Tick all that apply.

Thanks for submitting!

Prescription Request
Please list all medications
Then click on the "submit" button below
Have you travelled to an area affected by the Coronavirus or been in close contact with a confirmed case of Coronavirus?
Are you currently self isolating? * Anybody with respiratory symptoms of any kind is now advised to self-isolate.
How severe are your symptoms?
What are your symptoms? Tick all that apply.

Thanks for submitting!

Covid 19 Test Request - for patients with symptoms
If you are requesting a Private PCR test please ring the surgery
Please answer all questions -then click on the "SUBMIT" button.
If you need medical advice from a Doctor please DO NOT SUBMIT this form
-Either ring the surgery (0449390033) or Middoc Out of Hours (1850 302 702)
-or for emergencies please attend the hospital A/E unit or ring 999 / 112

We submit requests on behalf of our patients each week day during surgery hours - it is not monitored out of hours or at weekends - requests will be submitted the following morning (or Monday morning for weekend requests.)


For information on management of symptoms of COVID 19, refer to our

home page and updated advice on the HSE website.


If you need medical advice please DO NOT ATTEND THE SURGERY but instead please ring the surgery.


Due to current demands on HSE service, there are delays on patients receiving a test appointment from the HSE. There may be further delays after the test for the result to come back.

The practice has no say in these decisions. Please be patient at this time.

Please self-isolate (click here for advice) until you have received the result of your test.



The patient will receive a text from the testing system to advise them of their time/location for testing.


After testing the following will apply:

  1. If negative the patient will receive a text directly from the testing system advising that text was negative. The GP may not receive this result.

  2. If positive the patient will receive a call from public health for contact tracing

This service is ONLY available for patients of Millmount Medical Centre who are NOT in need of medical advice at this time. Please contact your own GP if you are not registered as a patient. Please ring Millmount Medical Centre if you need medical advice or for emergencies attend A/E or ring 112 or 999. Please confirm that you understand this regarding your PCR test request.
Have you travelled to an area affected by the Coronavirus or been in close contact with a confirmed case of Coronavirus?
Are you currently self isolating? * Anybody with respiratory symptoms of any kind is now advised to self-isolate.
How severe are your symptoms?
What are your symptoms? Tick all that apply.
Past medical history. Please tick all that apply. (Ref updated algorithm for Covid testing)

Thank you. Your request has been sumitted. Requests are forwarded to the HSE each week day for our patients. The national ambulance service will text you in the coming days with an appointment.




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Wednesday              Morning

Thursday                  Morning / Afternoon

Friday                        Morning / Afternoon

Saturday                   Midoc 1850 302702

Sunday                      Midoc 1850 302702

Tel              044 9390033
Eircode    N91 HW21

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